How long and when.
When do you change out your purse? This is a deeper question than you would think. I know someone who doesn't understand what it is about purses that has some people crazy and she has admitted as much. She goes to the store, she picks out a purse she likes and wears it until it falls apart. Then she repeats the cycle. I used to be like this. But I confess (and I will be doing a lot of confessing in this blog), that when I saw the marks of decay on my bag, I would get sad. It reminded me of how everything ends in this life. Another friend told me that she does the same thing. As she was talking to me I observed the strap of her purse cracking. I wondered in my head, "How long will that bag really last?" "When will she finally change it out?" It's not even my bag and there is a futility about this cycle. I like to donate bags if they are meant to be given away so that if I'm tired of it, then someone else could get a chance to enjoy it while it is still usable. You don't want to donate junk. You want someone else to appreciate something and as someone who shops at thrift shops. Thank you. I do appreciate your bags.
Let's say you have one good bag. You paid good money. How long do you wear your one good bag until you replace it? Let's not even talk about those who don't even use bags. So, I remember thinking about when to change out purses. I thought about switching them out every month or so. I had about 12 purses. They don't all have to be fancy. However, there is a flip side. I had some "better" purses and I wasn't using them. I would leave them in the closet and only take them out once in a while. You paid so much money for a bag, how can you actually use it!!!! But then again... How can you have nice purses and not use them? My friend, J approached me about not using bags and my friend, K told me about how it is a waste not to use your good bags and I have to admit that they are right. You have to use the purses. How long though? For a special occasion, go ahead and pull out the really fancy for a day or for a night. Only you know what is really fancy for you. It may not even be fancy. It may be delicate, or white. But here is what I go by. A month can put some real wear and tear on a bag depending on who makes it. Changing every week is a lot. My advice to you is to change your purse every two weeks. That means that you would rotate at least 24 purses depending on how you use them. You have less than 24, no problem. Rotate in your favorites more often. This minimizes the wear and tear on a bag. And remember that summer months can be harsher than winter months, depending on the climate that you live in.
Right now, it's time to switch out my purse and I tell you that I couldn't decide which purse I wanted to wear. It's almost like picking out a personality (more on this later). However, I did find one that is just right. Isn't it adorable. I didn't even know that Coach made straw purses. It's raffia. I love the hardware. I may have to pull out all of my straws for summer.
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