I was browsing around the internet because I realize I have a problem. I ran into a blog that talks about purse addiction being a real thing. There are some people that understand the need of walking around with a new purse or a new to them purse. There are some people that don't get it at all. I am always looking. I go to a store and the first place that I go to are the purses. I know some that go to the shoe section first. I want to see everything. I want to look at straps. It is no secret that my favorite purses are leather and fancy. Today I was involved in a conversation with a man who was talking about buying a LV for his wife. This led us to the website. That LV website is a dangerous thing!!! My friend (the one who let me post her Alexander Wang) talked about spending her bonus on her next purse. I have to admit that with all this talk of buying purses, it has me jonesing. I have to talk myself down from wanting something. Looking at the purses I already have and making a plan to use them helps. Looking at Pinterest DOES NOT help. Ugh!!!! I can see how people can get into real trouble by having a purse addiction.
Now, they say that confession is good for the soul so I am going to confess. I have a part time job that I use to buy my purses. It just so happens that I have to leave my part time job and now what am I going to do? I'm going to miss having purse money. I'm definitely going to have to budget and save for the purses that I really want. Wish me luck!!! It's already hurting. It needs to be done. Now, if you have an amazing purse you want to share with me to help me feel better. Please post in the comments. Until next time, enjoy your purses!!!!
By the way, the purse in the picture is Kate Spade. She is one of my favorites. This one is hanging out with me at a diner and it totally fits in. This bag spells sophisticated from anywhere. Just love!
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