How it started...

I love purses.  Some would call them handbags.  It's a problem.  At times I look in my closet.  I have my favorites in there.  I acknowledge that it is overwhelming.  I have a problem.  I am a purse addict.  I don't think I am going to stop any time soon and I don't want to stop.  It is an interest.  A friend of mine told me that I should quit my job to work as a salesperson selling purses.  It made me pause and wonder if I could.  If I was rich, I would.  I think I would even open a purse store.  I enjoy purses.  My favorite are designer leather purses.  No, I don't have an Hermes... yet.  I'm an ordinary middle aged woman of mid range to even lower mid range economic status.  I am not rich.  I am not wealthy.  I am not even comfortable when it comes to money but I do like purses.  I like purses a lot.

I remember when it began.  I have always liked purses but it wasn't bad.  I can pinpoint when it started.  I was working as teacher at an elementary school in the South Bronx, New York.  I used to buy a purse that I liked and wore it till it fell apart.  Then I would buy another purse that I would like and wear that one until it fell apart.  My purses usually lasted about a year.  I had one that only lasted about 6 months.  One really poorly made purse only lasted 3 months.  I loved buying purses that were cutesy and kitsy.  I liked colorful bags.  Buying purses that didn't last upset me.  I remember trying to buy a leather purse and I got one from JC Penney.  I felt so special with that bag but it didn't last very long.  I watched as the leather tore from the handle.  It wasn't good.

I realized that I was becoming a purse snob as I was on the train one day and this one woman had a plastic purse that was so used that the handle was threading.  The plastic had cracked off and there was nothing but the stringy inside showing.  I was horrified!  It was around this very confusing time that my friend bought a Coach purse.  It was so cute!  I was so envious.  How much were one of those Coach purses?  I couldn't afford one.  The best that I could do was to buy a purse that closely resembled Coach but instead of C's there were G's all over it.  It was really close.  A student came by and said, "I like your Coach purse."  I corrected him but I was glad that it was close.  It was no comparison to my friend's purse.  Then my dear sweet friend did the best thing ever.  She offered me a chance to buy my own on a cousin's discount.  He was working at a Coach store and was willing to buy purses for 50% off.  I bought three.  I bought a teal wristlet, a small mini Coach and then a bigger pink Coach shoulder bag.  At the time, it was in to wear the logo.  I had that logo everywhere.  We spent some of the money from our tax return.  I was so happy with my purses.  I didn't want to use them.  Just knowing they were there was enough.

The first time I went out with the bigger pink purse, I walked up against a car and it got a smudge.  I nearly had a melt down.  Designer handbags are not for the faint of heart.  You have to watch them.  There is no throwing them in some corner some where.  You have to care for them.  You have to make sure that they are stuffed correctly and covered.  You have to use them.  I have learned so much about purses since those days.  I needed that purse.  I was having health issues.  I was overweight (and I'm still overweight).  I was a new mother so I was emotional and hormonal.  I was going to school and I was working.  I needed something that made me happy.  A purse always fits you.  A purse talks without saying anything.  It tells people who you are.  Some days, purses even tell you who you are.  I realize these are psychological issues that I am dealing with.  A purse can't really tell you who you are.  I try to tell myself that it is an appreciation of the fine workmanship.  Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't.  I'm not really trying too hard to figure it out.

My plan for this blog is to share my personal collection of purses and discuss how I came about this collection.  I would love to hear from you if you have some favorite purse brands that you think I would like.  It's true that I may be the only one with this problem but maybe I'm not.  If you have a big purse problem you shouldn't be alone.  Reach out to me through the comments.  You are not alone.  Thanks!


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